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The Divorce Survival Guide Podcast

Jul 20, 2023

Every so often, I meet someone in my field with whom I hit it off amazingly. This week’s guest, Tony Overbay, is an example of when that happens. Tony joins me to discuss emotional immaturity, narcissism, and raising your emotional baseline. 

Tony is a licensed marriage and family therapist, certified mindful habit...

Jul 13, 2023

The divorce experience isn’t a cookie-cutter one for everyone. Sure, the process might look the same, but economics, culture, and race can impact how different people experience divorce.

Kimberly Cook’s Grown Girl Divorce platform seeks to educate and empower Black women through divorce, as their divorce...

Jul 6, 2023

My good friend and colleague, Michelle Dempsey-Multack, returns for a conversation about the challenges with divorce litigation and the best interest of children, co-parenting do’s and don’ts, and raising a healthy child post-divorce. Michelle's unique perspective on divorce and co-parenting has helped thousands of...