Jul 7, 2020
When we’re talking about marriage, sex is an important topic. So in the month of July, we are talking ALL about sex and intimacy. I’m kicking off the month with Dr. Joe Kort. Dr. Joe is a Licensed Sex and Relationship Therapist who is trained in Sex Therapy and Imago Relationship Therapy (you know I love my Imago peeps!). Dr. Kort specializes in working with sexual dysfunction, relationship concerns, and with individuals identifying as LGBTQ and presenting issues.
Something I see a lot in my work
is when someone gets caught cheating, and then they claim to be a
sex addict. One of the reasons I wanted to talk with Dr. Joe was to
ask him, “What is a sex addict?” Dr. Joe shares why he
thinks there is no such thing as sex addiction and what he sees
within his work instead.
also explore whether or not porn is a sexual health crisis, how to
negotiate erotic differences, and maneuvering through a
mixed-orientation relationship.
Some deep stuff here, folks!
Show Highlights
Learn More About Dr. Kort:
Joe Kort is a Licensed Sex and Relationship Therapist. He is
trained in Sex Therapy and Imago Relationship Therapy. Dr. Kort
specializes in working with sexual dysfunction, relationship
concerns, and with individuals identifying as LGBTQ and presenting
issues. He is the author of four books: 10 Smart Things Gay Men Can
Do To Improve Their Lives, 10 Smart Things Gay Men Can Do To Find
Real Love, LGBTQ Clients in Therapy: Clinical Issues and Treatment
Strategies, and Is My Husband Gay, Straight, or Bi?: A Guide for
Women Concerned about Their Men. Dr. Kort is a blogger for
Psychology Today. He is also the Co-Director of Modern Sex Therapy
Institutes’ LGBTQIA Affirmative Therapy Certification and the
Couples and Sex Therapy Certification Programs. He works with
Modern Sex Therapy Institutes to provide Certification trainings
including Sex Therapy Certification and continuing education to
mental health and medical professionals around the world. He also
has a podcast, www.SmartSexSmartLove.com. His website is www.JoeKort.com
Resources & Links:
Dr Kort’s website
Kort’s on Twitter
Dr. Kort’s on Facebook
Kate on Dr. Joe’s Podcast
The Ultimate Divorce Survival
I Stay or Should I Go Facebook Group