Apr 10, 2018
In this episode I look at dating after divorce, and how hard it can sometimes be to be the new person coming in when the exes are "besties."
I look at this from three angles, and give a prescriptive for how best to make this often difficult shift work.
After our divorce, while we each dated other people, my ex and I still did holidays together, went to the theatre together, and had family dinners together. After all we’d been through we were now close, and as he began to date I took on the awkward yet esteemed role of First Wife.
I’d befriend his girlfriends. Partly because it seemed easier; we could all just be a family, and it would be less complicated for our son. Or at least that's what I told myself. But the truth was that I couldn’t let go. I didn’t want to lose my spot as the primary woman in my ex’s life. We’d spent 10 years together, and I barely had an identity outside of him.
But when my ex started dating the woman he’s now married to, that all changed. We'd all been friends for a while, so knew what I was up to. She immediately set very clear boundaries and firmly (and rightly) pushed me off my perch. Ultimately I knew that this rearrangement of status was perfectly appropriate, but I also had a LOT of feelings about it.
Wanna work with me? You have options!
Is It Him or Is It You is a 60-minute laser coaching experience for women who want honest feedback about their current situation.
ROOTED is a 5-week coaching experience for women who think they may want to leave their marriages, but who can’t seem to find the courage to make a decision, once and for all.
The Divorce Worksheet Bundle is a $27 digital product in which you'll find everything you need to know in order to protect your children from any potential fallout from the divorce process.
Included in this bundle is:
If you have a topic you’d like me to discuss on The Divorce Survival Guide Podcast, or a guest you’d like me to interview, please submit it here.